

Duration: 19,25 min. (2006)

As usual, this time too I shot a short film in the days of a festival, the festival was the "Tirrenia Trema 4", during which I also made the indecent "Pozzo2". And this time the short was "White Lady", shot with friends and joy. Honestly the short had started as a joke, but then, slowly I became fond of it, and after a reluctant desire to finish it, I realized that it came really nice. Above all, there was joy on the set, at the home of Luca Boni, column of the metal group "Bestial Devastation", and in the short film, in addition to Luca, a member of the band appears, Alex "Torturer", together with his girlfriend, Alessandra, who lent her body for the dual role of Death and sick. Then how can we not mention Diego Marmeggi, who while I was taking Luca's face twisted with pain, sitting next to me, on the ground, splashing go-go blood on Boni's face. Meanwhile Luca Mazzantini was wandering around the room, while Enrico Galli, sunk in his sleep, tried to observe us crouched at the top of the stairs that led to Boni's attic - study. In short, the short at the end likes me, it's nice, it has good shots, and nice lights, I like the idea of the game of chess on the glass, without the chessboard, which is then a window (you can often and well see the handle ).

But the thing that amused me the most is that there are two versions of this short, because Luca wanted a more "good" ending, while I wanted a more "bad" ending, so, in the indecision, they were all made and two. But which one will you see? I do not know.
